Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a program that has been designed in order to meet the growing needs of libraries and the multitude of resources that they house. This program was designed with the user in mind and puts emphasis on bettering retrieval and search results, by using better descriptive data (Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, 2007).
RDA replaces the various versions of the (Anglo American Cataloging Rules (AACR) that were formerly used. is designed specifically for the digital environment. It is compatible with other forms of digitized descriptors that are already in place, so there should not be a need to redo descriptions that have been completed previously. The RDA allows for description and cataloging of various sources and databases. RDA descriptions will include information on the various attributes of the resource as well as recording relationship information (Joint Steering Committee, 2008).
The RDA was created with an international focus in mind. This is further attestation to the realization that we live in a technologically advanced society and that global access is needed to keep up with these advancements. The Library of Congress has partnered with other countries including
I was unable to find out the costs associated with describing information through this program. I consulted one of the creators of the program at the Library of Congress, John Sayer, in reference to this. He said that"We are in the early stages of the development of this program, and I have no information about specific costs" (J. Sayer, personal communication, April 10, 2008). As the RDA is expected to be implemented in only a year and a half, the numbers involved with the various costs should be available soon. Hopefully the recession (yes I used the word even though our government is reluctant to) that we are in will not effect funding for this program.
Below is a visual model that I have created in order to demonstrate how information will be described according to the new RDA format. It is based upon information provided by the Joint Steering Committee for RDA.
A Model for Describing Information
Based on the RDA Form

Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (2007, December 15). RDA Scope and Structure (5JSC/RDA/Scope/Rev/2). Retrieved April 8, 2008, from
Joint Steering Committee. (2008, March 7). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved April 8, 2008, from Joint Steering Committee for RDA Web site:
Library Of Congress. (2007, October 22). Library of Congress Partners with British, Canadian and Australian national libraries on RDA implementation. Message posted to