Sunday, April 6, 2008

RDF: Describing information on the web

In my research on description of information, I came across some information about RDF which is Resource Description Framework. It is used as part of the Semantic Web in order to describe information in a way that links it to other information more efficiently. It pertains directly to web pages and digitized information. It focuses more on the relationship and properties of things, not just links between pages (Refnes Data, 2008). Those this system sounds more efficient it is not common practice. Maybe in years to come it will be, and we will be able to make information retrieval a simpler process for the user.

Refnes Data. (2008). Semantic web tutorial. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from w3schools Web site:

1 comment:

Ken said...

Reading the introduction, this look like a richer form of description for web information and more in-depth, meaningful tagging of items.